Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Autumns mellow Days

Well Autumn is well and truely upon us and the constant battle with the falling leaves has started.. I do love this time of year , the smells and the colours and even the damp air are all sign of nature shutting down and pulling the duvet over herself!

The one thing I do not welcome about this time of year it the seeds and the sticky buds which seem to contantly tangle in Henry the Blue Roan Spaniels coat. He goes off on adventures down the orchard and invaribly comes back a mass of burrs, buds and twigs. I should really have him clipped short but being the softy that I am think he might feel the cold!! Woody the Retreiver continues to terrorise and bully him at every opportunity and despite being "done" his testosterone levels for a 1 year old dog are a bit of a nightmare. We do not let them both our together these days as they dissapear on pheasant hunting missions, usually to the next parish! So we have to keep one in whilst the other is out with leads to many black looks and heavy sighs.

Daughter Rachel is home from her year long trip teaching in China and is now looking for a job like, it seems, every other graduate in the Country. She went to an intervew in Oxford last week for a Publishing Company ( her dream job) but didn't get to second intervew. Apparently all those they took through had Masters in Publishing from Oxford. So the words "Cat in Hells" came to mind. Yesterday was her 23 birthday and her and I went to Hull New Theatre to see "Blood Brothers" ....what a treat that was we absolutley loved it and sat there with a box of fruit gums ( A going to the theatre tradition in our house!) and reminised about the first time we took her to the theatre 21 years ago. We went to see Postman Pat for her 2nd birthday. Happy Memories!!