Saturday, 27 August 2011

Busy Busy Time

So we are in the midst of our busiest time of the year and all us accommodation providers run on adrenoline! The days seem long and the nights very very short. It is at this time we look forward to later in the year when we might be able to escape.

Husband Tim has recently returned to a job in farming working for a local contractor he absolutley loves it but the hours at this time of the year are really really long as are mine with the B&B. To have something to look forward to we have booked 2 weeks in Cyprus in a little Villa just made for 2 for later October. We are both counting the days!!

On another note my wonderful right hand woman ,Sheila who helps me run things announced she has been with us 10 years this week. I can't beleive where that time has gone. It is her birthday this weekend ,bless her she is working as it is Bank Holiday so I am just off to buy he a huge pressie and a big bouquet of flowers. Sheila bless her is the reason I am sane!!