Wednesday, 25 April 2012

I have been remiss in blogging on here lately the last time I actually wrote anything was a leaf collecting time in the Autumn. Can't even say I kept to my New Years resolution of blogging at least once a week. I have been keeping up with the facebook and twitter so I hope you have caught up with our news through those if you are a "friend" or a "follower".

We have been busy though with all sorts of things one of our most exciting things is our association with Rise Hall. That is the Restoration project of Sarah Beeney and her husband Graham and we were asked to be on their preferred suppliers list now that all the legal hurdles have been jumped. Rise Hall is now officially open for Weddings .They have 26 rooms for accommodation at the Hall for bridal parties but we are acting as an "overflow" for extra guests and indeed if the bridal couples don't want to take the accommodation package available at the Hall. Last Sunday 22nd April we had a table at their first ever "Wedding Fayre" and we exhibited photos of West Carlton along with chatting to potential guests and handing out brochures. It was really really busy and for 4 hours three of us Tim, myself and our friend Jane loved talking to all the lovely people there. It is the first time we have done a Wedding fayre and hopefully won't be the last, I loved the exciting atmosphere and the banter between all the other exhibitors. Wedding suppliers are just lovely people from Hats,makeup,photographers,Candy carts,dresses, flowers,cakes. What a talented bunch they are, it felt really nice to be part of the preferred suppliers team and we have already made alot of new friends and contacts through doing the fayre.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Autumns mellow Days

Well Autumn is well and truely upon us and the constant battle with the falling leaves has started.. I do love this time of year , the smells and the colours and even the damp air are all sign of nature shutting down and pulling the duvet over herself!

The one thing I do not welcome about this time of year it the seeds and the sticky buds which seem to contantly tangle in Henry the Blue Roan Spaniels coat. He goes off on adventures down the orchard and invaribly comes back a mass of burrs, buds and twigs. I should really have him clipped short but being the softy that I am think he might feel the cold!! Woody the Retreiver continues to terrorise and bully him at every opportunity and despite being "done" his testosterone levels for a 1 year old dog are a bit of a nightmare. We do not let them both our together these days as they dissapear on pheasant hunting missions, usually to the next parish! So we have to keep one in whilst the other is out with leads to many black looks and heavy sighs.

Daughter Rachel is home from her year long trip teaching in China and is now looking for a job like, it seems, every other graduate in the Country. She went to an intervew in Oxford last week for a Publishing Company ( her dream job) but didn't get to second intervew. Apparently all those they took through had Masters in Publishing from Oxford. So the words "Cat in Hells" came to mind. Yesterday was her 23 birthday and her and I went to Hull New Theatre to see "Blood Brothers" ....what a treat that was we absolutley loved it and sat there with a box of fruit gums ( A going to the theatre tradition in our house!) and reminised about the first time we took her to the theatre 21 years ago. We went to see Postman Pat for her 2nd birthday. Happy Memories!!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Busy Busy Time

So we are in the midst of our busiest time of the year and all us accommodation providers run on adrenoline! The days seem long and the nights very very short. It is at this time we look forward to later in the year when we might be able to escape.

Husband Tim has recently returned to a job in farming working for a local contractor he absolutley loves it but the hours at this time of the year are really really long as are mine with the B&B. To have something to look forward to we have booked 2 weeks in Cyprus in a little Villa just made for 2 for later October. We are both counting the days!!

On another note my wonderful right hand woman ,Sheila who helps me run things announced she has been with us 10 years this week. I can't beleive where that time has gone. It is her birthday this weekend ,bless her she is working as it is Bank Holiday so I am just off to buy he a huge pressie and a big bouquet of flowers. Sheila bless her is the reason I am sane!!

Friday, 22 July 2011

October s Wedding Fayre

Well things are really moving now with the wedding fayre in October. Get everyone on board except Greenwoods Mensweat who don't seem to be capable of replying to e mails or messages. Even spoken to their head office and they are supposed to be on the case. Heard nothiong!! Twittering and Facebooking is really paying off as we are getting so many contacts from the Wedding Industry and some relly unusual businesses out there that ,hopefully we can all work together. The advertising for the weekend is coming together and I have negotiated a deal with the Holderness Heartbeat they have a print run of 13,000 in Holderness ( obviously!) and the magazine is free to all these households so looks like a really good bet!! Now to get the flyers printed and then we are off!!
[Enter Post Title Here]

Aldbrough East Yorkshire HU11 4RB
Telephone 01964 527724
Luxury Accommodation with 8 Lovely En-suite Rooms
A very special venue in East Yorkshire for
your bespoke Wedding or Party

Invites you to their
Charity Wedding Fayre Weekend
15th & 16th October 2011
Saturday 11.00pm until 4.00pm
Sunday 12 noon until 4.00pm
 Fashion show by Eliza’s Closet It’s All about the Dress and Greenwood’s Menswear 1.00pm and 3.00pm each day.

Everything for your special day all under one roof. Florists, Photographers, Music, Caterers, Cakes, Chocolatier, Cars Jewellery, Hats and Shoes, Bar, Disco, Entertainers

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Henry! Chief Meeter and Greeter on duty!!

Took this out of the kitchen window this is Henry doing his main job of meeting and greeting!!